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Svyatoslav Krylov
Svyatoslav Krylov

Robot Karol 3.0: A Java-Based Programming Environment for Students

Robot Karol is developed by U.Freiberger/O.Krsko. The most popular version of this product among our users is 2.2. The names of program executable files are karol.exe, VSW11F8_BA26F8A8.exe. The product will soon be reviewed by our informers.

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A separate download will be provided that extends this world for the remaining chapters of the book, as well as instructor materials and additional exercises that take advantage of the Greenfoot system's characteristics.

To obtain and run this simulator, first download and install the latest version of Greenfoot (3.1) from the link above. Then download the student projects from the greenroomm site: Expand the link to get a Greenfoot project and double-click on the Greenfoot icon within the resulting folder.

The current version of the Karel J Robot Simulator (click at left to go to download page) is available. The zip now contains the Simulator User's Guide and a set of world files keyed to the figures in the book. The new version scales the robot images as you change the size of the window. There are a few other enhancements. See the User's Guide.

If you download this (see the link above), I'd like to know about itso I can keep track of how many users there might be. Since I don'ttrack your usage here, the only way I can know is if you send me email.Please do, at

If you use an IDE, make a separate project for this and include the jarfile. Make kareltherobot.WorldBuilder the main file for the project. InCodewarrior (on the Macintosh at least) you need to set the output tobe a class folder rather than a jar file, since the main is in theexisting jar file, and not in any code of your own. After you buildthis class folder will be empty.

You can make it visible again with setVisible(true). You can alsoask an UrRobot if it is currently visible with the predicateisVisible( ). Note that these are intended for advanced use and are notpart of the regular programming model of robots, nor will they bedescribed in the book/manuscript. Note especially that predicates areonly introduced for Robots (Chapter 5) in the text. These newinstructions are useful, however, if you have a lot of robots, onlysome of which are of interest at a given moment, or if you want toremove robots from the screen after they turnOff. Thanks to Don Slaterof Carnegie-Mellon for suggesting this.

I started out to build a world builder, but got carried away. Thesimulator part has a new feature that you can use if you like, thoughyou don't need to. You can still put robot commands and world buildingcommands into a Java main and it will work. However, in looking forsomething simpler for students to use, I included the following:

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Build a new class that is in the kareltherobot package andimplements the RobotTask interface. (This extends Directions, so youdon't need to implement both). Give this new class a method withprotocol public void task(). Put all of your robot commands and anyworld commands inside this task method. Here is an example:

In the last case, you will be prompted for the name of the class andyou can respond with either Test1 or kareltherobot.Test1. This assumesyou have put your classes into package kareltherobot, which you shoulddo in any case.

Note that on the Macintosh there is no command line normally, so thelast form of the run is equivalent to double clicking on theapplication that your IDE (Codewarrior, for example) creates. Make kareltherobot.KarelRunner your main class, ofcourse if you use ANY IDE on the Mac or otherwise.

Also, if you run a task in which all robots run in separate threads,the prompt for rerun will come immediately after the robots arecreated. This can be a little disconcerting, as the task hasn't run yetand you are being asked to run it again. Eventually the robots willcomplete and your response to this prompt will have effect.

NOTE: March 15, 2003. KarelRunner was called KarelTest untilrecently. RobotTask was previously called RobotTester. This is a changefor naming consistency with other items (see below). Also note that aRobotTask class should not also extend a robot class.These task classes only work if they have a no-argument constructoravailable and usually robot classes do not have such a constructor.RobotTasks are to exercise robot classes, not to BE robots. For examplethe RobotTask above (class Test1) exercises UrRobots.

kareltherobot.KarelFixturekareltherobot.StairClimberTesterkareltherobot.KJRTestlocalWorldresetRead Worldstairworld.kwldCreatekarel11East0MessagekarelgetBeeperAssertBeepersInWorld0AssertBeepersInBeeperBagkarelAssertFacingEastkarelAssertNotRunningkarelAssertAtkarel44

In fact, since the world builder and the simulation run in differentthreads, you can interact with the running robot program through theworld builder. I suppose you could write a version of space invadersusing this idea.

I have downloaded and installed the latest version of Java JDK (both version X86 and X64) [as Stanford tutorial said].As of writing the latest version is 8u66But still the program doesn't show up anything. I don't like eclipse and I'm pretty sure that somehow this program works on IntelliJ too. I've done the steps below:1. File -> New -> Project from Existing Source -> Assignment12. paste the following code into the

I am going through courses on SEE. I also had the blank Java window when I ran a java file from the Assignments download.I was able to get them to run in JDK 1.8 using the standard Eclipse.Here's what I did...

This means that all customers purchasing Edison robots and accessories with an Australian shipping address must now pay GST. The GST will be automatically added to your purchase and show as a line item on your invoice.

Load a new catalogue of commands from a file. This choice show standardfile window. The catalogue of commands for robot Karel has extension "krl".If you open a new catalogue every user defined commands are delete. If youdon't want to delete all commands use a choice Add.

Load a catalogue of commands from a file. This choice show standardfile window. The catalogue of commands for robot Karel has extension "krl". If you add commands from file user defined commands that exist in the actualcatalogue will not be deleted. If you want delete old commands use a choiceOpen. If the actual catalogue have same commandnames as in the catalog that you can add they will be delete and replace with commands in the file.

It is theoretical possible translate Karel to any language. Karel is only released with English and Czech language at this time. Programmay have localized as environment as source code for the robot Karel.Both can be localized independent. You may have for example program in Englishlanguage and use elementary commands in Czech language.

Karel implicit use name of elementary commands in thelanguage of localized program. If you want to change a language for writingsource code choose a choice Setting / Language in the menu. You may here choose a language in which will be source codesfor robot Karel.

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Moments from the production line.


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