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Chad Merritt

Spear Of Destiny __EXCLUSIVE__

In most variants of the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, the priest lances the host (prosphoron) with a liturgical spear before it is divided in honor of the Trinity, the Theotokos (Virgin Mary), and various other remembrances. The deacon recites the relevant passage from the Gospel of John, along with sections of the Acts of the Apostles dealing with commemoration of the saints. Most of these pieces, set aside, become the antidoron to be distributed after the liturgy, a relic of the ancient agape feasts of apostolic times, considered to be blessed but not consecrated or sanctified in the Western understanding. The main piece becomes the lamb, the host that is consecrated on the altar and distributed to the faithful for Holy Communion.[citation needed]

Spear of Destiny

The name of the soldier who pierced Christ's side with a lonchē is not given in the Gospel of John, but in the oldest known references to the legend, the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus appended to late manuscripts of the 4th century Acts of Pilate, the soldier is identified as a centurion and called Longinus (making the spear's Latin name Lancea Longini).[citation needed]

A Holy Lance is conserved in Vagharshapat (previously known as Echmiadzin), the religious capital of Armenia. It was previously held in the monastery of Geghard. The first source that mentions it is a text Holy Relics of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in a thirteenth-century Armenian manuscript. According to this text, the spear which pierced Jesus was to have been brought to Armenia by the Apostle Thaddeus. The manuscript does not specify precisely where it was kept, but the Holy Lance gives a description that exactly matches the lance, the monastery gate, since the thirteenth century precisely, the name of Geghardavank (Monastery of the Holy Lance).[clarification needed][citation needed]

The spear has had many different owners throughout the years. The Spear's most pivotal role came in World War II, as it fell into the hands of Adolf Hitler. The control of the Spear by the Third Reich prevented American superheroes, particularly those with magic-baseSpear of DestinyGalleryOfficial NameThe Spear of DestinyAliasesThe Spear of LonginusModelUniqueVersionOnlyOriginsUniverseEarth-Two New Earth Prime Earth Dakotaverse DCAU ArrowversePlace of CreationGolgotha (Jerusalem)OriginReported to be the spear which pierced Christ's side on the cross. The Spear holds supernatural powers which allows the possessor to control the minds of super powered beings.OwnersCurrent OwnerJustice LeaguePrevious OwnersSentinels of Magic, Gaius Cassius, Adolf Hitler, Dragon King, Superman, Vandal SavageFirst AppearanceWeird War Tales #50(February, 1977)

The spear has had many different owners throughout the years. The Spear's most pivotal role came in World War II, as it fell into the hands of Adolf Hitler. The control of the Spear by the Third Reich prevented American superheroes, particularly those with magic-based origins or powers (and in the pre-Crisis Earth-Two reality, the Golden Age Superman), from intervening in the war, creating a Sphere of Influence that would affect such heroes to fall under Hitler's sway when they enter into it. The Spear was used towards the end of the War by a cornered Captain Nazi who attacked the Spectre with it, nearly killing him and precipitating the end of the world. However, before its loss, Hitler used a magical ritual to taint the weapon, corrupting any who wielded it to his greed and powerlust.

After the War, the spear came into the hands of the Allies, and was placed in storage in the United States. It would emerge years later, during a time when the Spectre was considered out of control, having destroyed the entire nation of Vlatava. President Bill Clinton ordered the Spear retrieved and asked Superman to confront the Spectre with it, as it was widely accepted that the Spear was perhaps the only weapon on Earth that could actually harm him.[1] Superman took the Spear and headed for Japan, where the Spectre was grappling with a water elemental sent on a rampage by Naiad. The Spear was also capable of injuring or slaying the elemental itself. Unfortunately, it was not realized until after Superman was in the air how deep the taint of the Spear was. Superman beheld a vision where he used the Spear to take over the world, slaying all of his allies and close friends before being confronted at last by Batman. Superman was able to deny the vision and reject the Spear.[2] The Spectre bound the Spear inside a rocky boulder with the ashes of Vlatava and cast it into Earth orbit.

On another occasion, Felix Faust and Circe both attempted to gain control of the spear in simultaneous yet separate plots, taking advantage of circumstances to seize it with their magics, only to be thwarted by the Justice League and Justice League Elite respectively.[3]

The Spear of Destiny is a craftable Hardmode javelin that also has a small chance of being dropped by enemies in the crimson (1.4%). When fired, it throws out a projectile identical to the Ichor Spear, alongside two rapidly moving spears which will aggressively home in onto enemies. Each spear will inflict the Ichor debuff and pierce once. It is the Crimson counterpart is the Spear of Liberty.

The Spear of Destiny, also known as the Holy Lance,[1] was an immensely powerful, biblical artifact capable of altering reality. It is mentioned in Judeo-Christian religions. It was an ordinary spear before the Roman soldier Longinus used it to pierce the side of Jesus Christ after he died on the cross, resulting in its immense supernatural powers. It can be found using the Askaran Amulet and activated with the incantation from the Kalabros Manuscript.

After the Legion of Doom used the spear to alter reality, Eobard Thawne destroyed it by using a thermal reactor to incinerate it. When the Legends went back in time to stop the Legion from ever using the spear, it was ultimately de-powered by Sara Lance and then vaporized along with Thawne, who was holding the spear when Black Flash killed him.

In 1956, the Justice Society of America (without Obsidian) were sent by President Ike Eisenhower to Leipzig[3] to retrieve the Spear of Destiny after supposedly being contacted by Rip Hunter. Deciding that the Time Masters couldn't be trusted with such a powerful artifact, they split the spear into four fragments, Rip sending the others into three different time periods with a member of the JSA for safekeeping,[4] while keeping his own aboard the Waverider.[1]

Later, the Legends traveled to the year 507, where they fought Damien Darhk and Rip Hunter in Camelot with the help of Courtney/Stargirl, King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and the Knights of the Round Table, and gained the third fragment. Stargirl informed the Legends that Henry Heywood/Commander Steel had the final fragment of the spear but didn't know where or when he was, as they thought it would be safer if none of the team knew where Rip was taking them.[4]

Later however, the Legends were able to rescue Rip and traveled back to 1916, where they teamed up with their past selves to stop the Legion from ever using the Spear, although this resulted in the future Nate, Jax, Rip, and Mick being killed in the subsequent confrontation. Eventually, the past version of Sara took control of the spear. After briefly reuniting with her sister, Laurel Lance, who inspired her to do what's right, she used the spear to disable its own powers so that Thawne couldn't use it. This also released the Black Flash, who killed Thawne, erasing their altered reality as well as the Spear itself, which Thawne had been holding, from existence. Future Sara, the only one of the future Legends who hadn't been killed in the battle, was erased as well.[10]

The Spear of Destiny was a weapon that was acquired by Kratos in God of War II after he killed the Dark Rider, who wielded it, and much later found his dead Griffin, and in it, the spear itself.

The spear was a magical weapon with Purple crystals that were infused in its ends, which could be used to pierce enemies and even created more explosive crystals. It also had the ability to extend and retract itself for greater range attacks.

On the way to the Titan, Typhon, and again when Kratos arrived at the Island of Creation, the Dark Rider appeared and attacks him with the Spear of Destiny. Kratos then jumped onto the Dark Griffin after he jumped off Pegasus and counterattacked the Dark Rider. Kratos stabbed him numerous of times and took the Spear of Destiny. From there, Kratos speared the Dark Griffin and chopped its wings off, which sent it crashing to the ground.

In the 8th and 9th centuries, Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor, was supposed to have personally wielded the spear on 47 successful military campaigns. He supposedly dropped the lance one day, and then died right there and then.

When Hitler was in his twenties he met Walter Johannes Stein, a philosopher and expert on the Holy Grail. Stein later claimed that he believed Hitler was a black magician, obsessed with his personal destiny to one day wield great power. Hitler told Stein that it was the Holy Lance itself that he saw as the key to his future power.

X-ray and fluorescence tests unravelled the material composition of the item, and all things considered, it was determined that the spear in Vienna was made in the 7th century AD, many centuries after the death of Christ.

One of the artifacts you need to break the The Blood Curse of Sabrina Glevissig is in the hands of Iorveth. You can receive this quest when you arrive in Tunnel of the Founders and speak to Zoltan Chivay and Saskia. Saskia says that Iorveth lost the spear of destiny at poker dice. Now it is in the hands of Skalen Burdon who won the match. When you turn back to the Mahakam Gate, you have to beat the dwarf at dice.

We read in the Gospel of St. John (19:34), that, after our Saviour's death, "one of the soldiers with a spear [lancea] opened his side and immediately there came out blood and water". Of the weapon thus sanctified nothing is known until the pilgrim St. Antoninus of Piancenza (A.D. 570), describing the holy places of Jerusalem, tells us that he saw in the basilica of Mount Sion "the crown of thorns with which Our Lord was crowned and the lance with which He was struck in the side". The mention of the lance at the church of the Holy Sepulchre in the so-called "Breviarus", as M. de Mely points out (Exuviae, III, 32), is not to be relied on. On the other hand, in a miniature of the famous Syriac manuscript of the Laurentian Library at Florence, illuminated by one Rabulas in the year 586, the incident of the opening of Christ's side is given a prominence which is highly significant. Moreover, the name Longinus — if, indeed, this is not a later addition — is written in Greek characters (LOGINOS) above the head of the soldier who is thrusting his lance into our Saviour's side. This seems to show that the legend which assigns this name to the soldier (who, according to the same tradition, was healed of ophthalmia and converted by a drop of the precious blood spurting from the wound) is as old as the sixth century. And further it is tempting, even if rash, to conjecture that the name Logginos, or Logchinos is in some way connected with the lance (logche). Be this as it may, a spear believed to be identical with that which pierced our Saviour's body was venerated at Jerusalem at the close of the sixth century, and the presence there of this important relic is attested half a century earlier by Cassiodorus (In Ps. lxxxvi, P.L., LXX, 621) and after him by Gregory of Tours (P.L., LXXI, 712). In 615 Jerusalem was captured by a lieutenant of the Persian King Chosroes. The sacred relics of the Passion fell into the hands of the pagans, and, according to the "Chronicon Paschale", the point of the lance, which had been broken off, was given in the same year to Nicetas, who took it to Constantinople and deposited it in the church of St. Sophia. This point of the lance, which was now set in an "yeona", or icon, many centuries afterwards (i.e., in 1244) was present by Baldwin to St. Louis, and it was enshrined with the Crown of Thorns in the Sainte Chapelle. During the French Revolution these relics were removed to the Bibliotheque Nationale, and, although the Crown has been happily preserved to us, the other has now disappeared. 041b061a72


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