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The Secrets of Cosmic Ordering Revealed by Barbel Mohr in Her Free Pdf

Cosmic Ordering Barbell Mohr Pdf Free: How to Manifest Your Desires with a Simple Tool

Do you want to attract more abundance, happiness, and success into your life? Do you believe that the universe can fulfill your wishes if you ask for them in the right way? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might be interested in cosmic ordering, a spiritual practice that involves placing orders to the cosmos and receiving them in return. And if you want to learn more about cosmic ordering and how to use a simple tool to enhance your manifestation power, then you might want to read this article about the cosmic ordering barbell by Barbel Mohr, a famous author and teacher of this technique. In this article, you will discover what cosmic ordering is, who Barbel Mohr is, what the cosmic ordering barbell is, and how to get the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free.

Cosmic Ordering Barbell Mohr Pdf Free

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What is Cosmic Ordering?

Cosmic ordering is a term that was popularized by Barbel Mohr in her book "The Cosmic Ordering Service" in 1998. It refers to the idea that you can ask the universe for anything you want and expect it to be delivered to you. It is based on the belief that the universe is a benevolent force that wants to fulfill your desires, as long as they are aligned with your true self and your highest good.

The concept of cosmic ordering

The concept of cosmic ordering is not new. It has been used by various cultures and traditions throughout history, such as the law of attraction, prayer, affirmations, visualization, magic, and so on. The basic principle is that everything in the universe is made of energy and vibration, and that by tuning into the frequency of what you want, you can attract it into your reality. You can do this by using your thoughts, emotions, words, actions, and symbols to communicate your intentions to the universe.

The benefits of cosmic ordering

Cosmic ordering can have many benefits for your life. Some of them are:

  • It can help you clarify your goals and dreams.

  • It can boost your confidence and self-esteem.

  • It can increase your optimism and gratitude.

  • It can improve your health and well-being.

  • It can enhance your creativity and intuition.

  • It can attract more opportunities and resources.

  • It can create more joy and fulfillment.

The challenges of cosmic ordering

Cosmic ordering is not a magic bullet that will solve all your problems overnight. It requires some practice, patience, and persistence. Some of the challenges that you might face are:

  • You might have limiting beliefs or doubts that block your manifestation.

  • You might have negative emotions or fears that lower your vibration.

  • You might have conflicting or unclear desires that confuse the universe.

  • You might have unrealistic or selfish expectations that violate the free will of others.

  • You might have attachment or resistance that prevent you from letting go and receiving.

To overcome these challenges, you need to work on your mindset, emotions, and actions. You need to cultivate a positive attitude, a clear vision, a strong faith, a relaxed state, and a grateful heart.

Who is Barbel Mohr?

Barbel Mohr was a German author and speaker who wrote several books on cosmic ordering and other spiritual topics. She was born in 1964 and died in 2010. She was known for her simple, humorous, and practical approach to teaching cosmic ordering and inspiring millions of people around the world.

Her background and story

Barbel Mohr grew up in a small town in Germany, where she developed an interest in spirituality and metaphysics at a young age. She studied graphic design and worked as a freelance illustrator and cartoonist. She also traveled extensively and explored different cultures and religions. She had a near-death experience in 1992, which changed her perspective on life and death. She started to practice cosmic ordering after reading a book by Noel Edmonds, a British TV presenter who claimed to have used this technique to revive his career. She experimented with cosmic ordering and found that it worked for her. She decided to share her experiences and insights with others through her books and seminars.

Her books and teachings

Barbel Mohr wrote over 20 books on cosmic ordering and other spiritual topics, such as angels, meditation, healing, happiness, and love. Some of her best-selling books are:

  • The Cosmic Ordering Service: A Guide to Realizing Your Dreams (1998)

  • Cosmic Ordering for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know to Make It Work for You (2006)

  • The Cosmic Ordering Wish Book 2010 (2009)

  • The Miracle of Self-Love: The Secret Key to Open All Doors (2012)

Her books have been translated into more than 30 languages and sold over 3 million copies worldwide. Her teachings are based on the following principles:

  • You are a powerful creator who can shape your reality with your thoughts and feelings.

  • You are connected to the universe, which is a loving and intelligent force that wants to help you.

  • You can ask the universe for anything you want, as long as it is good for you and others.

  • You can use simple tools, such as words, images, symbols, or objects, to express your wishes to the universe.

  • You can receive your orders by being open, relaxed, grateful, and joyful.

Her legacy and impact

Barbel Mohr passed away in 2010 after a battle with cancer. She left behind a legacy of love, wisdom, and inspiration for millions of people who followed her teachings. She also influenced many other authors and teachers who continued to spread the message of cosmic ordering, such as Pam Grout, Lynne McTaggart, Esther Hicks, Rhonda Byrne, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, and more. Her work has been featured in many media outlets, such as The Guardian, The Times, The Daily Mail, The Oprah Winfrey Show, BBC Radio 4, and more. She has been described as "the queen of cosmic ordering", "the guru of positive thinking", "the fairy godmother of manifestation", and "the angel of abundance".

What is the Cosmic Ordering Barbell?

The cosmic ordering barbell is a simple tool that Barbel Mohr created to help people manifest their desires more easily and effectively. It is based on the idea that the universe responds to symbols and that by using a physical object that represents your wish, you can amplify your intention and vibration.

The origin and design of the barbell

The cosmic ordering barbell was inspired by Barbel Mohr's husband Manfred Mohr, who was a bodybuilder and fitness trainer. He used to write his wishes on pieces of paper and stick them on his dumbbells. He believed that by lifting them every day, he was sending his wishes to the universe with more power and energy. Barbel Mohr liked this idea and decided to create her own version of the barbell. She used a wooden stick with two plastic balls at each end. She painted the balls in different colors: red for love, green for money, blue for health, yellow for happiness, etc. She also wrote her wishes on pieces of paper and inserted them into the balls.

The function and mechanism of the barbell

The cosmic ordering barbell works as follows:

  • You insert the paper into the ball that corresponds to the category of your wish.

  • You hold the barbell in your hands and lift it up and down several times while feeling the emotion of having your wish fulfilled.

  • You place the barbell in a visible spot where you can see it every day and repeat the process whenever you feel inspired.

  • You let go of your wish and trust that the universe will deliver it to you in the best possible way and time.

The cosmic ordering barbell works by using the following mechanisms:

  • It helps you focus your mind and attention on your wish.

  • It helps you activate your body and energy on your wish.

  • It helps you create a symbol and a signal for your wish.

  • It helps you align your vibration and frequency with your wish.

  • It helps you release your resistance and attachment to your wish.

The instructions and tips for using the barbell

To use the cosmic ordering barbell effectively, you need to follow these instructions and tips:

  • Be clear and specific about what you want. Avoid vague or general wishes.

  • Be realistic and reasonable about what you want. Avoid impossible or harmful wishes.

  • Be positive and optimistic about what you want. Avoid negative or doubtful words.

  • Be open and flexible about how and when you receive what you want. Avoid limiting or controlling conditions.

  • Be grateful and appreciative for what you have and what you receive. Avoid complaining or comparing.

How to get the Cosmic Ordering Barbell Mohr Pdf Free?

If you are interested in getting the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free, you have several options to do so. Here are some of them:

The official website and download link

The official website of Barbel Mohr is There you can find more information about her life, work, books, and products. You can also find a link to download the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free. The link is You can click on it and save it on your device or print it out. The pdf file contains a picture of the barbell, a description of its function, and instructions on how to use it.

The alternative sources and formats

If you prefer to get the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free from other sources or in other formats, you can also try these options:

  • You can search for the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free on Google or other search engines. You might find some websites or blogs that offer it for download or online reading.

  • You can search for the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free on Amazon or other online bookstores. You might find some ebooks or audiobooks that include it as a bonus or a sample.

  • You can search for the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free on YouTube or other video platforms. You might find some videos that show how to make or use the barbell.

The precautions and disclaimers

Before you get the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free, you need to be aware of some precautions and disclaimers:

  • The cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free is not a substitute for professional advice or assistance. You should consult with a qualified expert if you have any medical, legal, financial, or personal issues that require professional help.

  • The cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free is not a guarantee for success or happiness. You are responsible for your own actions and results. You should use the barbell with common sense and ethics.

  • The cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free is not endorsed by Barbel Mohr or her estate. The pdf file is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. You should respect the intellectual property rights of Barbel Mohr and her publishers.


Cosmic ordering is a spiritual practice that involves placing orders to the universe and receiving them in return. It is based on the belief that the universe is a benevolent force that wants to fulfill your desires, as long as they are aligned with your true self and your highest good. Barbel Mohr was a German author and speaker who wrote several books on cosmic ordering and other spiritual topics. She was known for her simple, humorous, and practical approach to teaching cosmic ordering and inspiring millions of people around the world. The cosmic ordering barbell is a simple tool that Barbel Mohr created to help people manifest their desires more easily and effectively. It is based on the idea that the universe responds to symbols and that by using a physical object that represents your wish, you can amplify your intention and vibration. You can get the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free from various sources and formats, but you need to be aware of some precautions and disclaimers before using it.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the cosmic ordering barbell Mohr pdf free:

  • What is the difference between the cosmic ordering barbell and the law of attraction?

The cosmic ordering barbell is a tool that uses the law of attraction, which is a universal principle that states that like attracts like. The law of attraction explains how the universe responds to your thoughts and feelings, while the cosmic ordering barbell helps you express your thoughts and feelings in a symbolic way.

  • Can I use the cosmic ordering barbell for more than one wish at a time?

Yes, you can use the cosmic ordering barbell for more than one wish at a time, as long as they are not contradictory or conflicting. You can write different wishes on different pieces of paper and insert them into different balls. You can also use different colors to represent different categories of wishes.

  • How long does it take for the cosmic ordering barbell to work?

There is no fixed time frame for the cosmic ordering barbell to work. It depends on many factors, such as the clarity, intensity, and alignment of your wish, the availability, readiness, and receptivity of your delivery, and the timing, synchronicity, and coincidence of your order. Some orders might be fulfilled instantly, while others might take days, weeks, months, or even years.

  • What if I change my mind or want to cancel my order?

If you change your mind or want to cancel your order, you can simply remove the paper from the ball and throw it away or burn it. You can also say out loud or in your mind that you cancel or revoke your order. You can then place a new order with a new paper and a new ball.

  • What if I don't have a wooden stick or plastic balls to make the barbell?

If you don't have a wooden stick or plastic balls to make the barbell, you can use any other materials that are available and convenient for you. You can use a metal rod or a plastic pipe for the stick, and you can use clay, paper, or fabric for the balls. You can also decorate or personalize your barbell with stickers, paint, glitter, or anything else that makes you happy.



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