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Angel Reyes
Angel Reyes

Western Province Vs North West [EXCLUSIVE]

September and October saw continued significant fire activity in British Columbia, Northwest Territories, northeastern Alberta, and Jasper and Banff National Parks in Alberta. There was also significant storm activity in the Atlantic provinces which required mobilization of resources including Incident Management Teams from other jurisdictions.

Western Province vs North West

A lingering but weakened La Nina, which allows dry and sometimes windy Arctic air to dominate western Canada in the spring, prolonged snow cover across much of Canada, resulting in a slower start to fire activity than in 2021. Snow cover remained light in the eastern Northwest Territories and parts of the southern Prairies, where drought remained although with the epicentre now in southern Alberta. Drought conditions improved over 2021 in Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan but became more widespread again by late summer.

In these dry Arctic air masses, weak weather systems generated light thundershowers in the Northwest Territories and northern parts of the western provinces, gradually raising fire numbers, while moister conditions prevailed in British Columbia, the southern Prairies, and Ontario. Dry spring conditions in Nova Scotia resulted in the first fire exceeding 3000 ha, starting May 10.

Stalled weather systems in early June kept the west showery, while dry air remained over the Territories, northern Prairies, and eastern Canada. This contributed to large fires in the Northwest Territories, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and northern Quebec, where record high temperatures contributed to tundra fires in regions where historical fire appears scarce. Gradual warming and drying occurred in the west near the end of June, but not with the intensity of the 2021 heat dome.

During late June and early July, the number of fires in Yukon increased rapidly, a result of warm weather and scattered thundershowers. Warm, dry conditions and active fire continued in the Northwest Territories and south of the 60th parallel in the western provinces. Late July readings of near 40C occurred in some British Columbia locations. The recent switch to summer helped direct rain northeastwards into the Territories, although active fire remained in southeast Yukon. Lightning triggered large fires in Newfoundland in late July.

During July and August, a stagnant ridge in the western USA occasionally reached into western Canada, providing periods of hot and dry weather. Many locations, including some in the Arctic islands, recorded record high temperatures. Some record highs were also broken in Atlantic Canada. This allowed existing fires in the Northwest Territories to show renewed activity, with occasional thundershowers resulting in numerous fires in British Columbia and Alberta. As the west dried in early August, moisture returned to eastern Canada and the Newfoundland fires received rain. The hot, dry, and at times windy weather continued into early September, prolonging fire activity between British Columbia and Manitoba, and the Northwest Territories. This general pattern continued through most of October in British Columbia, Alberta, and the southern Northwest Territories, with cooler and moister weather reducing activity in the eastern Prairies. This change brought warm weather into the eastern half of the country, facilitating some unusual late-season fires.

A rapid turn to winter in western Canada in early November helped reduce fire activity. With ongoing drought in many regions, the question arises if western Canada will get enough fall and winter moisture to prevent early spring fire activity in 2023.

The largest numbers of Aboriginal people lived in Ontario and the western provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia). Aboriginal people made up the largest shares of the population of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.

Ontario was the province where the largest number of Aboriginal people lived, 301,425 people, representing 21.5% of the total Aboriginal population. In addition, nearly six in ten (57.6%) Aboriginal people in Canada lived in one of the four western provinces (Table 2).

The majority (84.9%) of people who identified themselves as Métis lived in either the western provinces or in Ontario. The largest population was in Alberta (96,865) where 21.4% of all Métis in Canada lived. The next largest was in Ontario (86,015), where they represented 19.0% of all Métis. This was followed by 78,830 Métis in Manitoba (17.4%), 69,475 Métis in British Columbia (15.4%) and 52,450 Métis in Saskatchewan or 11.6% of all Métis in Canada.

One-quarter of Métis in Canada lived in four western census metropolitan areas. Winnipeg had the highest population of Métis, about 46,325, (Figure 1). It was followed by Edmonton with 31,780, Vancouver (18,485) and Calgary (17,040). In addition, 11,520 Métis lived in Saskatoon and 9,980 in Toronto.

By 2016, apparent opioid-related deathrates revealed a national public health crisis.The opioid epidemic had affected communitiesacross the country (Figure 3).Nationally, the rate of apparent opioidrelateddeaths was 7.9 per 100 000 populationin 2016.1 However, there werepronounced regional differences, withwestern provinces reporting some of thehighest death rates: British Columbiareported a rate of 20.7 per 100 000 population(985 illicit drug overdose deaths) andAlberta reported a rate of 14.4 per 100 000population (611 opioid-related overdosedeaths). Based on available data, thesetwo provinces alone accounted for themajority (56%) of opioid-related deaths in2016.1 Yukon and the Northwest Territoriesalso reported high rates of 18.4 and 11.2per 100 000 population, respectively.1 Ratesfor apparent opioid-related deaths wererelatively lower in the other jurisdictions, but suggest a possible rise in some provinces,including Ontario.1,17,19,21,22

From January 2016 to June 2017, mostapparent opioid-related deaths in thenation occurred among males (74%).However, information collected from theprovinces and territories indicates that thesex of individuals dying from an apparentopioid-related overdose may vary byregion. In the western jurisdictions ofBritish Columbia, Alberta, Yukon and theNorthwest Territories, more men are dyingthan women (approximately 4:1); inOntario, men are also more likely to diethan women (2:1). However, in somePrairie and eastern provinces (Saskatchewan,Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotiaand Newfoundland and Labrador), womenrepresent nearly as many opioid-relateddeaths as do men (1:1 to 3:2)1 (Figure 4).

Hospitals use the term opioid poisoning todescribe an opioid-related overdose, accordingto International Statistical Classificationof Diseases and Related HealthProblems, 10th Revision (ICD-10-CAii) version2015 coding. The Canadian Institutefor Health Information (CIHI) extractsdata from the Hospital Morbidity Database(HMDB) for hospitalizations (100% nationalreporting). From March 2016 to March2017, opioid poisonings were responsiblefor an average of 16 hospitalizations perday in Canada. This represents an increaseof over 50% nationally in the past 10years, with the largest increases occurringin the past three years.3 Adults aged 45years and older had the highest rates ofhospitalization for opioid poisonings,although the fastest growing rates were seen in the younger age groups (15 to44 years). Rates varied across the country.The highest rates for opioid-related hospitalizations(in 2016/17) as well as the fastestgrowing rates (occurring between 2014and 2017) were in the western provincesof British Columbia (25.0 per 100 000 population)and Alberta (23.1 per 100 000 population)and in the territories (34.5 per100 000 population) excluding Nunavut3(Figure 6). In 2016/17, more than half ofthe hospitalizations for opioid poisoningswere considered unintentional, 31% wereconsidered intentional and 17% were ofunknown intent.3 The majority (63%) ofthe unintentional poisonings occurred inpeople aged 65 years and older whileintentional poisonings were more prevalentin the younger age group of 15 to24 years.3 Nationally, hospitalization rateshave increased by 24% over the past threeyears for men and 10% for women. In2016/17, the rate of hospitalization ofmales surpassed that of females for thefirst time.3 There did not appear to benotable regional differences with respect toage or sex for opioid-related hospitalizations.25

Iran Focus: Tehran, Iran, Dec. 30 A senior official in the north-western province of East Azerbaijan has acknowledged the existence of a staggeringly-high number of illiterate people in the province. Iran Focus

Based on our survey on the public department budget of one western province in China, this paper summarizes the problems of budget management and implementation into five aspects, namely, lacking of standards for basic expenditure and project expenses, incomprehensive department budgetary plan, weakening constraint on department budget implementation, shirking legislature supervision and enormous gap between budget and final account. Then this paper discusses the corresponding reasons depending on the management theory. At last, this paper puts forward the suggestions on how to improve the public department budget management in China.

The service says rain has helped firefighting efforts in the southern half of Manitoba, but the northwest corner of the province remains a concern with new fires starting and heavy smoke obstructing suppression efforts.

"We will assist the provinces with their cooperation in the conservation of the renewable natural resources. We will aid in projects which are self-liquidating. We will aid in projects which, while not self-liquidating will lead to the development of the national resources for the opening of Canada's northland. We will open that northland for development by improving transportation and communication and by the development of power, by the building of access roads. We will make an inventory of our hydroelectric potential." 041b061a72


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