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"parturition, delivery in childbed," 1803, from French accouchement, noun of action from accoucher "go to childbed" (see accoucheur). The verb accouche (1867) is a back-formation, or else from French accoucher.


Accouchement: Accouchement is a French word that means childbirth. It is the process of giving birth to a baby. During accouchement, a woman's body goes through many changes to bring the baby into the world. It can be a long and difficult process, but it is also a very special and exciting time for families.

The examples illustrate the definition of accouchement by showing situations where a woman is giving birth to a baby. The first example shows that the woman was in labor for several hours before the actual childbirth. The second example shows that a midwife was present to assist with the childbirth. Accouchement is a medical term used to describe the process of giving birth to a baby. 041b061a72

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Moments from the production line.


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