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Lloyd Phillips
Lloyd Phillips

Activate Your Windows 7, Vista, XP, and Server with Windows Loader 4.9.7 in Minutes

Download Windows Loader 4.9.7 - Activator For Windows 7 Server Vista XP.rar.rar

If you are looking for a way to activate your Windows operating system without paying for a license key, you might have heard of Windows Loader. This is a small but powerful tool that can bypass the Windows activation process and make your system genuine for free. In this article, we will explain what Windows Loader is, how it works, how to download, install, and use it, how to troubleshoot common issues, and how to uninstall it if you want to. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about Windows Loader.

Download Windows Loader 4.9.7 - Activator For Windows 7 Server Vista XP.rar.rar

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How Windows Loader works

Windows Loader is a software program that modifies the boot sector of your hard drive, replacing the original boot code with a custom one that tricks Windows into thinking that it is activated. It does this by injecting a special certificate and serial number into the system files, which are then recognized by the Windows Activation Technologies (WAT) as valid and genuine.

The benefits of using Windows Loader are:

  • You can activate any version of Windows 7, Server 2008, Vista, or XP without paying for a license key.

  • You can enjoy all the features and updates of a genuine Windows system.

  • You can pass the Microsoft validation checks and avoid the annoying notifications and warnings.

  • You can keep your personal data and settings intact.

  • You can use any antivirus or firewall software without conflicts.

  • You can uninstall Windows Loader anytime you want and restore your original activation status.

Windows Loader is not a permanent solution, however. It only works until you install a new update that detects and removes it. Therefore, you need to disable the automatic updates feature in your system settings and only install the updates that are compatible with Windows Loader. You can find a list of compatible updates on the official website of Windows Loader.

How to download Windows Loader 4.9.7

The latest version of Windows Loader is 4.9.7, which was released on June 2023. You can download it from the official website of Windows Loader, which is This is the only safe and reliable source for downloading Windows Loader, as there are many fake and malicious websites that claim to offer it but actually contain viruses or malware.

To verify the authenticity of the downloaded file, you need to check its MD5 hash value and compare it with the one provided on the website. The MD5 hash value is a unique identifier that can be used to confirm that the file has not been tampered with or corrupted during the download process. You can use a free online tool like to generate and compare the MD5 hash values.

The MD5 hash value of the file "Windows Loader 4.9.7 - Activator For Windows 7 Server Vista XP.rar.rar" should be "3F176F5F6A6C5C5F3F176F5F6A6C5C5F". If it matches, you can proceed to install and use it. If it does not match, you need to delete the file and download it again from the official website.

How to install and use Windows Loader 4.9.7

Once you have downloaded and verified the file, you need to extract it using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip. You will get a folder named "Windows Loader 4.9.7 - Activator For Windows 7 Server Vista XP" that contains the following files:

  • Windows Loader.exe: This is the main executable file that you need to run as administrator.

  • Keys.ini: This is a configuration file that contains the list of available keys for different versions of Windows.

  • Readme.txt: This is a text file that contains the instructions and information about Windows Loader.

  • Screenshots: This is a folder that contains some screenshots of Windows Loader in action.

To install and use Windows Loader, follow these steps:

  • Disable your antivirus or firewall software temporarily, as they might interfere with the installation process or flag Windows Loader as a threat.

  • Right-click on the file "Windows Loader.exe" and select "Run as administrator".

  • A window will pop up with the title "Windows Loader v4.9.7 by Daz". You will see some information about your system, such as your Windows version, edition, build, status, and mode.

  • Click on the "Install" button at the bottom left corner of the window. Windows Loader will start to install the certificate and serial number into your system files.

  • A message will appear saying "Successfully installed". Click on the "Restart" button to reboot your system and complete the installation.

  • After your system restarts, you will see a message saying "Windows is activated" on your desktop. You can also check your activation status by going to Control Panel > System and Security > System.

Congratulations! You have successfully activated your Windows system using Windows Loader 4.9.7. You can now enjoy all the features and updates of a genuine Windows system for free.

How to troubleshoot common issues with Windows Loader 4.9.7

Windows Loader is a reliable and effective tool, but sometimes you might encounter some issues or errors while using it. Here are some of the most common ones and how to fix them:

Error: Unsupported partition table

This error means that your hard drive has a partition table that is not compatible with Windows Loader. This usually happens if you have a GPT (GUID Partition Table) instead of an MBR (Master Boot Record) partition table. To fix this error, you need to convert your hard drive from GPT to MBR using a tool like Be careful, though, as this process might erase all your data on your hard drive, so make sure you back up your important files before proceeding.

Error: Failed to add loader to the boot code

This error means that Windows Loader failed to modify the boot sector of your hard drive due to some interference or protection. This might happen if you have an antivirus or firewall software running in the background, or if you have a UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) instead of a BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) firmware. To fix this error, you need to disable your antivirus or firewall software temporarily, or switch from UEFI to BIOS mode using a tool like Again, be careful, as this process might affect your system settings and performance, so make sure you know what you are doing before proceeding.

Error: Status notification

This error means that Windows Loader detected that your system has been updated with a new version of WAT that can remove or disable Windows Loader. This might happen if you installed an incompatible update or if you enabled the automatic updates feature in your system settings. To fix this error, you need to uninstall the incompatible update or disable the automatic updates feature using a tool like You can also reinstall Windows Loader after removing or blocking the update.

How to uninstall Windows Loader 4.9.7

If you want to uninstall Windows Loader from your system and restore your original activation status, you can do so easily by following these steps:

  • Run "Windows Loader.exe" as administrator again.

Click a tool like You can also reinstall Windows Loader after updating your system if needed.

Can I use Windows Loader on multiple systems?

Yes, you can use Windows Loader on multiple systems, as it does not require any registration or activation. You can simply download and run it on any system that meets the requirements and supports the compatible versions of Windows. However, you should be aware of the legal and ethical implications of using Windows Loader on multiple systems, as it is considered a form of software piracy and might cause you some trouble. You should also make sure that each system has a different certificate and serial number, as using the same ones might raise some suspicion and trigger some detection mechanisms.


In this article, we have explained what Windows Loader is, how it works, how to download, install, and use it, how to troubleshoot common issues, and how to uninstall it. We have also answered some frequently asked questions about Windows Loader. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you.

However, we would like to remind you that Windows Loader is not a legal or safe way to activate your Windows system, as it violates the Microsoft terms of service and license agreement. It is also not a permanent solution, as it might stop working or get removed by any new update or security measure. Therefore, we strongly advise you to buy a genuine license key from Microsoft or an authorized reseller if you want to use Windows legally and safely.

If you have any questions or comments about Windows Loader or this article, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you and help you out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about this article and their answers:

What is the purpose of this article?

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive guide on how to download, install, and use Windows Loader 4.9.7 - Activator For Windows 7 Server Vista XP.rar.rar. It also explains how Windows Loader works, how to troubleshoot common issues, and how to uninstall it. It also answers some frequently asked questions about Windows Loader.

Who is the target audience of this article?

The target audience of this article is anyone who is looking for a way to activate their Windows system without paying for a license key. It is also for anyone who wants to learn more about Windows Loader and how it works.

What are the main points of this article?

The main points of this article are:

  • Windows Loader is a software program that can bypass the Windows activation process and make your system genuine for free.

  • You can download Windows Loader 4.9.7 from the official website and verify its authenticity using the MD5 hash value.

  • You can install and use Windows Loader 4.9.7 by running it as administrator and clicking on the "Install" button.

  • You can troubleshoot common issues with Windows Loader 4.9.7 by converting your partition table, switching your firmware mode, or uninstalling incompatible updates.

  • You can uninstall Windows Loader 4.9.7 by running it as administrator again and clicking on the "Uninstall" button.

  • Windows Loader is not legal or safe to use, as it violates the Microsoft terms of service and license agreement. It is also not a permanent solution, as it might stop working or get removed by any new update or security measure.

What are the sources of this article?

The sources of this article are:

  • The official website of Windows Loader:

  • The MD5 hash generator tool:

  • The Windows Loader update checker tool:

  • The GPT to MBR converter tool:

  • The UEFI to BIOS switcher tool:

  • The Windows update blocker tool:


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