Vision & Mission
Our Ongoing Vision
Becoming a leading global enterprise, pioneering in the production of PP plastic packaging.
Helping businesses and business partners use plastic packaging products safely, effectively and reasonably.
Our Mission Moving Forward
Apply advanced, environmentally friendly technology, modern management, professional team, innovative corporate culture, and starting with reduction of energy usage work toward protecting the environment and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. Moreover, in the process, bring to the community modern as well as more truly friendly products and services while gradually developing Project Impossible (See Below).
From P to P: Project Impossible
Our Five Phase Strategy Plan
To becoming a disruptive innovator in the field of feasible plastic fiber alternatives:

Phase I: ISO Fundamentals
Achieve all basic operational, quality control and safety related ISO certifications and conduct serious.
ISO 9001: 2015 - Quality Management (Link Reference)
ISO 22000: 2018 - Food safety management (Link Reference)
ISO 45001: 2018 - Occupational health and safety (Link Reference)
ISO 14001: 2015 - Environmental management (Link Reference)
Phase I objectives 100% fulfilled and completed ahead of time!
Phase II: Environmental ISOs
Achieve all existing environmental and sustainability related ISO certifications. (2023 - 2027)
ISO 9001 - Set of five quality management systems standards (Certification Training in Progress)
ISO 14001 - Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (Certification Training in Progress)
ISO 14004 - Environmental management systems - General guidelines on implementation
ISO 14005 - Environmental management systems - Guidelines for a flexible approach to phased implementation
ISO 14006 - Environmental management systems - Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign
ISO 14015 - Environmental management - Environmental assessment of sites and organizations (EASO)
ISO 14020 to 14025 - Environmental labels and declarations
ISO/NP 14030 - Green bonds - Environmental performance of nominated projects and assets; discusses post-production environmental assessment
ISO 14031 - Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines
ISO 14040 to 14049 - Environmental management - Life cycle assessment; discusses pre-production planning and environment goal setting
ISO 14050 - Environmental management - Vocabulary; terms and definitions
ISO/TR 14062 - Environmental management - Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development
ISO 14063 - Environmental management - Environmental communication - Guidelines and examples
ISO 14064 - Greenhouse gases; measuring, quantifying, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
ISO 14090 - Adaptation to climate change — Principles, requirements and guidelines
Phase III: Net negative CO2
Significant contribution to overall alternatives to PP and plastics in general. (By 2035)
Clarification of nine year CO2 emission wind-down. (By 2024)
50% achievement of goal. (By 2027)
Net negative emissions. (By 2033)
Phase IV: Partial Alternatives
Significant contribution to overall alternatives to PP and plastics in general. (By 2035)
Become with or without an affiliate an official partner in UN SDG 2030 Programme via Goal 17. (By 2027)
Environmental management systems - General guidelines on implementation. (By 2033)
Environmental management systems - General guidelines on implementation. (By 2033)
Phase V: From P to P
From plastic to perfect: mission impossible.
Our manufacturing line was built on capital build focused solely on the importation of polypropylene (PP) manufacturing machinery to Vietnam. Now we focus on high customizable PP textile and bag manufacturing. We aspire to bring new meaning to the word PP, and for this have established the long-term mission impossible of from Plastic to Perfect... (Read More)